Does the Philippines, which has a 90M population (2008), have 19,000 soldiers only? That's what this news is trying to reflect in today's issue of the Philippine Star. That's only .02 of 1% or 1 soldier per 4,736 people if you think about it. That's crazy. If that's not reflective of the total number of soldiers this country has then what is? Also, if that is the case, then how come there's not a lot of soldiers voting?
This number is not encouraging and it's just reflecting how bad our national security is. There should be more respect in this type of profession and we should give more premium in our personal security in this season of terrorism and extremism.
Source: Philippine population: http://www.google.com/publicdata?ds=wb-wdi&met=sp_pop_totl&idim=country:PHL&dl=en&hl=en&q=philippines+population
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