Whoa! Playing a cancer-stricken role in his upcoming movie, 50 Cent went on a strict liquid diet and exercise for two months. This is how he looks like now. Read his story.
Posted via web from Born 1973
Whoa! Playing a cancer-stricken role in his upcoming movie, 50 Cent went on a strict liquid diet and exercise for two months. This is how he looks like now. Read his story.
Posted via web from Born 1973
The biggest message we have heard recently is that people want easier control over their information," Zuckerberg said. "Simply put, many of you thought our controls were too complex.
You may not know it but Facebook is violating your privacy. No, they're not selling your information but they "missed the mark" by not making their interface controls simple enough for people to set their privacy controls better. The 26-year-old CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, admitted with these flaws and they'll be launching simpler control features soon. That's a relief because I'm sure majority of the 400 Million Facebook users don't even know that their names, faces, and status appear in places you don't even want it to show.
Better late than never.
Marquez noted that Nantes’ death was sudden and unexpected and there was no way for the Church to determine his repentance from his being a “born again Christian” and a “Freemason.
Is this the official statement of the Roman Catholic faith or just the bishop's? I was saddened how the bishop of Lucena, Quezon termed - in effect - that being an Evangelical Christian (born again) is a sin. I'm also in disbelief how Bishop Marquez is so insensitive to the families and the bereaved of the late Governor Rafael Nantes. If the priests are the equivalent of the Apostle Peter, and each one aims to be like Jesus - I'm just sad that this church head is going the opposite direction.
"There is no politics in the decision of the Church. I just implemented the Church laws," he said. Bishop Marquez, there's no such thing as Church laws - the church embodies Jesus and Jesus wouldn't refer to a book and say, "I wouldn't be compassionate to this one because he's a sinner." How can you invite and promote change in society if all you can think of are the "clean" people going to your church? Jesus was with the despised tax collectors, the prostitutes, etc. He did it because he was reaching out and wanting them to see a better life - you Bishop Marquez just did the opposite thing. It's a shame we're better off following laws than following and doing the example Jesus did.
You may say there's no politics involved in your decision but you're out to please man (Vatican) - that's politics.
Choose your poison, a popular saying goes and I wonder if choosing these kinds of drink would be like taking arsenic little by little until you die completely. Your arteries will get clogged and you die happy - i guess.
These drinks are what you should avoid if you ever get to America. Now, while in Manila, I suggest you heed the call and run away from such concoctions.
By the way, you won't believe what's on Number 1 on the list.
You can never go wrong reading Seth Godin's books. It's small, handy, and yes - insightful. I held the book at a popular bookstore in Bonifacio Global City and started chomping on it like there's no tomorrow. Unfortunately, I couldn't finish it because it's not right reading it without actually buying it. "What really sets superstars apart from everyone else is the ability to escape dead ends quickly, while staying focused and motivated when it really counts." - there are those options we can do in life but there's only one thing that we should be doing in life. This is really intriguing and I can't wait to go back and...er... buy the book. It's Php550 and it's worth being in my virtual shelf. Yep, I'm praying for one. Read on.
Posted via web from Born 1973
Ernie really comes up with some winners here: Dips, Dead Ends, Joyrides, Lotteries, and Quests � iHack, therefore iBlog.
Here's a taste:
Joyrides are things you do just for the fun of it, without caring if you’re getting anywhere. Seth himself said (roughly) that “if you play the flute just because you enjoy it, not because you’re trying to make a living as a flautist, then The Dip doesn’t matter.” It is worth noting that for some people college is Joyride, not a Dip!
Lotteries are a particularly seductive variant of Dead End that looks like a Dip, in that we periodically see people who do make it out into the Good Life. Unlike a Dip, though, there is nothing we can do to ensure we make it through to the other side; we are at the mercy of external forces. Thus, even thought there is a non-zero chance we might win the Lottery, for most of us it really is a Dead End, and a complete waste of our potential for greatness. This is particularly true for Talent- (rather than Skill-) based disciplines, where the Lottery took place before we were born.
Quests, on the other hand, are Dips that look like Dead Ends. Seth encourages us to pursue Dips where we can make measurable progress towards a well-defined goal. However, he admits that this doesn’t apply to things like cutting-edge scientific research, where there there are no guarantees or guidelines; fortunately, he says people like that won’t be discouraged by anything he says in his book. :-)
However, I think he overstates the case when he says Quests (like Crick & Watson’s search for DNA) don’t have measurable progress. They do, but it is a matter of personal growth and accumulated wisdom, not the usual business metrics. Even though we may not reach what we thought we were aiming for, a worthy Quest enobles us and ends up benefiting humanity.
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It is no secret that the program "Wowowee," for almost five and a half years, has been the core of my existence. The program gives me a sense of purpose because I make people happy and I give them hope that, despite their difficulties, they can make things happen for themselves.
Wowowee host, Willie Revillame, is seen to be exiting the popular noontime show of network giant, ABS-CBN. It will be remembered that the host put ABS-CBN in the spot by asking the management to choose between a radio entertainment host and him. The sadder part though is not his exit but his thought that he could play god to the people joining the show by giving "them hope." I wonder what person like this think by giving less privileged citizens of this nation money and making people rely on them instead of filling people with value like dignity, respect, and honor? Money will indeed blind you and it's sad that he already professed that his life revolving on a temporal matter instead of something that will give him more in life - say, The Bible. Move on, Mr. Revillame. There's more to life than material things and money. I hope you will be able to see joy beyond the money you enjoy.
Posted via web from Bad Media
It’s a matter of principle. I cannot join a Manny Villar-led Senate,” Enrile said.
During Marcos time, he lost a lotta love from people. After EDSA Revolution in 1986, I loved the guy. During Cory's time, he was a jerk. During Ramos' time he became more of a jerk. During ERAP's time, he started lying low and during Arroyo's time - he made up for lost time. Sen. Enrile is not perfect but over the years, his bills and his stand makes a lot of sense. No one likes him because he's called an opportunist but years after I noticed a lot of changes and since then he's been consistent with this new found change. Sen. Enrile may be old and my contemporaries may not like him but if it wasn't for him - our mobile phone companies would've been abusing us right now. He led the inquiry against phone giants SMART, Globe, and Sun. Now, you're enjoying more talk time because of the bill he authored.
I may not understand him a lot but we need his wisdom and he is standing by his principles. I can't wait to see what 2016 will be like after his term.
Senator Enrile, you got my vote in the last election because we need your wisdom and you continue to contribute to this senate and in my eyes - so far - you've been fair. Please continue to be an example to all and I am glad you are an independent and I hope to hear more of your plans and bills soon. Mabuhay ka, Manong Johnny. Dahil gusto mo happy kami.
Posted via web from Mabuhay
Speaker Prospero Nograles has moved back the proclamation timetable by more than three weeks, from June 4 to June 30
Not proclaiming president-elect Aquino earlier than expected will push back any plans a president can do to form a new government that still has to transition from the outgoing one. What is GMA doing? This is not right and it defeats the purpose of even having an automated polls that makes everything faster. Why make it hard for the incoming president? Why make it difficult for the incoming government? Is something being cooked? This just brings more questions about Pres. Arroyo's government.
Posted via web from Born 1973
Speaker Prospero Nograles has moved back the proclamation timetable by more than three weeks, from June 4 to June 30
Not proclaiming president-elect Aquino earlier than expected will push back any plans a president can do to form a new government that still has to transition from the outgoing one. What is GMA doing? This is not right and it defeats the purpose of even having an automated polls that makes everything faster. Why make it hard for the incoming president? Why make it difficult for the incoming government? Is something being cooked? This just brings more questions about Pres. Arroyo's government.
Posted via web from Born 1973
It was called names like Seattle's blood bank but Starbucks - owner of Seattle's Best (Whoa! That's also a surprise) - wouldn't budge. It still thinks that it has the best logo that will merge and meld well as time goes by. Will it grow on me? I don't feel it yet but the only justice this logo will ever get is when it proves to be better than Starbucks - the other Seattle's best coffee of the state of Washington.
Posted via web from Bad Media
With 109 members in the House and about a dozen more likely to be added after the winners of the party-list votes have been proclaimed, Suarez said the Lakas-Kampi-CMD coalition could remain dominant with an ability to impeach the President to counter the Chief Executive’s power over pork barrel releases.
With a lot of Arroyo allies in congress, are we seeing a minority president coming on board on June 30th? This is a scary thing to see cause as it is right now, president-elect Aquino seems to be waging a war already with the incumbent president who just got elected as a member of congress who has the potential to be the House Speaker. She wields more than 100 plus house representatives while Aquino's liege only has fifty congressmen to speak of. I just hope and pray that we will not have a divided congress, otherwise, the people will eventually be the loser. For more of the story, click on the newsinfo.inquirer.net link above.
Posted via web from Born 1973
Did you notice someone commenting on your post who is a complete stranger and you wondered how they got hold of your Facebook account? That is what a growing number of Facebook users have been up in arms about. If you read the CNN article, you will understand take a snap shot of how important your privacy is. The statusphere has 400 million users and so many are against what Facebook is doing. Now is privacy is your concern? Yes, you may get new friends here and there but in a world where people hide their true identities, you can never be sure how protected you are when fraud happens because of personal matters that is made public because of this "flaw" in the programming of the said social media.
Why romanticize Cory? I pray that we don't pin our hopes on something that God gave us a long time ago. Cory was a great person and she is blessed but why are we so worried about filling her shoes when we should be thinking how we can improve ourselves. If there's something Cory could do that we should improve on is sticking to God's word and making sure this is lived out. And then there's grace. God is faithful to give something we don't have and if it is lacking in skills, patience, talent, and perseverance then we should ask for it. Let's not fill Cory's shoes. Let's fill our own shoes so we can lead our lives and then our family. This piece was picked up here at the Philippine Daily Inquirer today, May 16, 2010 (Sunday).
At least 107 of Lakas-Kampi-CMD’s 169 congressional candidates won in the May 10 elections. But the party is confident of getting the support of more than 20 lawmakers from other mainstream parties such as the Nationalist People’s Coalition and Nacionalista Party, as well as party-list groups.
Does this statement picked up from the Inquirer's story (May 16) today just confirms the collusion happening between Arroyo and erstwhile presidential candidate Sen. Manny Villar? It seems so. The administration party is mustering enough votes to catapult Pres. Arroyo as speaker of the house. And if you read the story further (click newsinfo.inquirer.net link above), you will see that party vice president for membership, Prospero Pichay, is "confident" to get the support of Nationalist People's Coalition (NPC) and Sen. Villar's Nacionalista Party (NP). Should we be wary? The campaign doesn't stop here. Let's call our congressmen and get more explanation out of this declaration made by Lakas-Kampi-CMD.
Every time I have a customer looking for a 'Happy Horse' I couldn't help but laugh thinking people had to one too much Red Horse drinks until I saw this blog about the "legendary" beverage. Looking at the picture, you could definitely see why it's called a 'happy horse.' But take a second look, it looks nowhere near its original counter part: the horse image, the circular mark around the horse, the "Red Horse Beer" logo - it looks more and more like a fake beer. It begs the question now, "Doe San Miguel know about this and if so, are they authorizing it?" People swear that there's one happy horse bottle in a case of Red Horse Mucho (6 bottles) and they say this is 'special' because its alcohol content is higher. An urban legend that is shrouded by a mystery. I haven't seen one myself.
Parents need to learn about the sites and devices their kids want to use, and then set strong boundaries. If you don’t know what something is or what it’s about, dive in and start using it.
I remember what Paul said to Timothy (1 Timothy 4:12) and what the definition is of being young back then was (It was age 40 and below!) when he was given that advice. I think age is nothing but a number and that parents are never too old to learn stuff this age is throwing at us. I always wonder what type of music my kid would like and if I would like it as well and learning from this piece, I really believe that we should be adventurous in learning new technology. It's fun and remember the lola in the 'Bayantel' commercial playing online games on her PC? I thought that was cool. Hip-ness has no age written on it and I can't wait my son to call me 'cool' 'cause by then I know we speak the same language and our relationship will grow stronger.
Posted via web from Born 1973
Angara felt the presidential candidates who were in the margins, like Sen. Richard Gordon and Nicanor Perlas, had the more “exciting” and “sound” ideas on how to move the country.
Even Sen. Angara (Pres. Arroyo's ally) thinks Sen. Gordon had more exciting ideas to propel the nation to progress in this next decade. We hope for the best for Sen. Gordon.
Posted via web from Mabuhay
My wife, my co-worker, and I went to the polling place early to make sure we avoid monstrous lines. I was very excited to see the Precinct Count Optical Scan or PCOS machine and how to fill up the ballot. Voting started pass 7:10 AM and I was impressed by the order the teachers and volunteers implemented to make sure voting is as easy and pain-free as possible. After I voted these are my observations:
Precinct numbers changed
I was assigned precinct number 0481-A when I registered in January 2009 but "accidentally" I found my name in another precinct (0454-A). This will be a horrible experience for voters who do not even know their precinct location.
Ballot shading area
The shading area is no bigger than 2mm x 3mm. And it was hard for me to train my felt tip marker and contain the shading within the area.
No privacy
The classroom tables were small and cramped and I could hardly fit myself (185lbs 5'8") with the ballot. It was tough voting and being careful in shading the tiny oval shaped area. Preferrably, the voting area should be arms length wide and option to stand.
I don't know how sensitive the ballot was so thinking about it was an additional stress but I think that's okay. I was sweating and I was afraid I could ruin the ballot just by moistening it.
Overall, I enjoyed the experience and I can't wait to see the result later. After voting, I now leave everything up to God. God bless the Philippines.
Posted via web from Born 1973
After knowing what Noynoy plans to do if he wins the election, I wonder what role Chiz will play if Mayor Jejomar Binay wins the Vice Presidential spot. Does he know what will happen if an Aquino-Binay administration becomes a reality? I feel that if Binay wins, he will put Noynoy to the corner and compromise him and his administration.
A party insider said the new offer of power-sharing was Aquino’s way of appeasing his running mate, who was surprised at the offer he had made to Binay.
As if the news that Aquino will share 80% of his powers with Mar is not bad enough, out comes this news that cracks are showing between the much vaunted team tandem of Noynoy and Mar.
Aquino will share most of his powers as president to Mar making it a first in any politics. If that was an irresponsible statement, then it would only mean that this is a preview of what Noynoy can say during his term, which will be refuted by his cabinet - especially his powerful VP.
The National election is a day away and Noynoy-Mar voters don't know about this. They wouldn't know that they've been had should this happen because they're hoping for a leader that turned out to be a figurine, a statue, a front. (To read the article in full, click on manilastandardtoday.com link above.)
I am sharing 50 percent to 80 percent of the job (of the presidency) with my one and only partner Mar Roxas, and I am offering him not just one, but several portfolios in an oversight capacity.
I can't believe Noynoy Aquino is already saying that he will share fifty to eighty percent of his presidential power once elected. What kind of presidency would we have? What's left of the twenty percent of his duties? The parties? The state dinners? The laborious detail of signing documents (laws)? Pardon my statement but we would be a fool to vote for a president who is not only delegating power but have plans to actually hand it over to Sen. Mar Roxas.
What if Binay wins? Will he share? God forbid. That's so irresponsible. Read more by clicking the link of tribuneonline.org.
Posted via web from Born 1973
What would you do if you found Php14,720,000.00 in a box lying around near a money-teller machine with no one looking? Tempting right? One man from Jeddah exactly did what was the right thing to do - return it. He found US$320,000.00 in cold cash and returned it immediately. This story speaks volumes about Lark Michael B. Colegado's character. He did the right thing even when no one was looking. This story may be old but the quality this story possess is timeless. Like many Filipinos, we applaud this kind of quality for a Better Filipino in us.
IT'S IN THE BIBLE! Check this out. Mr. Colegado didn't just learn the honesty trait from his parents. There's a huge possibility that his parents got it from scriptural words like these that just helps them from their day-to-day life. Like Lark Michael, Job is living in adversity but despite poor odds they both chose to do the right thing.
I will maintain my righteousness and never let go of it; my conscience will not reproach me as long as I live. (Job 27:6)
Posted via web from Mabuhay
If you're into environment-interested consumer, like we are, check out these new sodas that have not reached Philippine shores. It would be good to have this done locally and it is our hope that creative and aspiring business-minded Filipinos will help make this kind of cola possible in this country. Cooling Station will be the first one to make this kind of product available to consumers in our neighborhood.
Citizens of the United Kingdom will be voting hours from now and the parliamentary leaders they will bring to power will decide who will be the next Prime Minister.
I agree to former Prime Minister Blair's assertion that voters should not vote tactically just because the other options are not 'popular.' That is exactly what is happening now as voters I talked to will prefer Noynoy because their candidate will not win the elections. Blair said that voters should go for what they "believe in." He added, "If you think their policies are good, vote for them, but if you don't, don't." It's that simple.
Voters who believe in their candidates should stick to their candidates if they believe in them. I said it in my posts that you should vote because you know, NOT because you think you know. If you vote for the other candidate because of survey results and the bandwagon effect, then you don't even know why you should be voting for to begin with. And if you don't even know why and who you should be voting to begin with then you need to pray. Because as citizens, it is our right and responsibility every six years to voice our gripes and opinions and this can be heard through the ballot. Please don't waste your vote. Please don't vote tactically.
Posted via web from Born 1973
It's good to be a Filipino when you read matters like this and it would be good for all of us to reflect the same spirit in the face of challenges our COMELEC is facing if we help them make their job work better despite setbacks and challenges. Let's bring out the BAYANIHAN and MABUHAY spirit now. (to read the story, click on the gmanews.tv link below the image)
Posted via web from Mabuhay
Posted via email from Mabuhay
Posted via email from Mabuhay
Meralco just sent our store's electric bill the other day and it was shocking - Php9,783.30 for the month of April! Can you believe that? So the very first thing I told my crew was to control the use of the ice cream freezer.
I studied what was going on and this is what I found out. First, I realized that my average usage per month since late last year was 663 Kilowatt hour (Kwh). The store maintains an ice cream freezer, a tall two-door soda cooler, a shorter beverage cooler and a decent amount of lights. This was enough, I thought. However, we used 738 Kwh this month or 75 Kwh more than the average. I calculated the amount per Kwh this month and I realized it was Php13.26/Kwh. That's high I thought. Out of curiosity, I computed how much per Kwh last month was and found out it was Php11.20/Kwh only. What shocked me though was when I found out that our October 2009 bill was only Php9.01/Kwh. Since I could not do anything much to control what Meralco is charging right now so I thought I should be changing things within my control. So the wisest thing to do right now is to set aside an amount from daily sales so I can be best prepared for these type of things. The bill says that my store is consuming an amount of Php163 per day on electricity. I think it will be wiser to set aside an amount of Php200/day just to be sure. Overkill? Just being wiser for the rainy season (no pun intended). Having cost-cutting measures in place and setting aside a budget, the only one thing left to do is to make promotions that would increase sales volume of Cooling Station. We'll just hope that the rate of electricity will go down next month. For now, I control what I can control to make sure my budget doesn't bleed.